Arts and Humanities
EDUX 7000(H)
The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers
EDUX 7005(H)
The Arts in Every Classroom: A Video Library
EDUX 7010(H)
The Arts in Every Classroom: A Workshop for Elementary School Teachers
EDUX 7015(H)
Connecting With the Arts: A Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers
EDUX 7020(H)
Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop
EDUX 7025(H)
Connecting With the Arts: A Teaching Practices Library, 6-8
EDUX 7030(H)
Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices
EDUX 7350(H)
Voices and Visions: American Poets
EDUX 7362(H)
Art Through Time: A Global View
EDUX 7365(H)
Exploring the World of Music
EDUX 7400(F ,G)
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
EDUX 7401(F ,G)
Magnificent Mind at any Age
EDUX 7402(F ,G)
Healing ADD
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
EDUX 7355(H)
Reading & Writing in the Disciplines
Educational Theory and Issues
EDUX 7160(H)
The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice
EDUX 7165(H)
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
EDUX 7170(H)
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2
EDUX 7325(H)
Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections
EDUX 7402(F ,G)
Healing ADD
Language, Literature & Literacy
EDUX 7040(H)
Conversations in Literature
EDUX 7045(H)
Developing Writers: A Workshop for High School Teachers
EDUX 7050(H)
Engaging With Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 3-5
EDUX 7055(H)
The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature in High School
EDUX 7060(H)
In Search of the Novel
EDUX 7065(H)
Inside Writing Communities, Grades 3-5
EDUX 7070(H)
Making Meaning in Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 6-8
EDUX 7075(H)
Teaching Multicultural Literature: A Workshop for the Middle Grades
EDUX 7080(H)
Teaching Reading K-2 Workshop
EDUX 7085(H)
Teaching Reading 3-5 Workshop
EDUX 7090(H)
Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices
EDUX 7095(H)
Write in the Middle: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers
EDUX 7155(H)
American Passages: A Literary Survey
EDUX 7350(H)
Voices and Visions: American Poets
EDUX 7355(H)
Reading & Writing in the Disciplines
EDUX 7366(H)
Invitation to World Literature
Leadership and Administration
EDUX 7330(H)
Principles for Principals
EDUX 7165(H)
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
EDUX 7170(H)
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2
EDUX 7175(H)
Insights into Algebra 1: Teaching for Learning
EDUX 7180(H)
Learning Math: Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
EDUX 7185(H)
Learning Math: Geometry
EDUX 7190(H)
Learning Math: Measurement
EDUX 7195(H)
Learning Math: Number and Operations
EDUX 7200(H)
Learning Math: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
EDUX 7225(H)
Against All Odds: Inside Statistics
EDUX 7330(H)
Principles for Principals
Science / Health
EDUX 7165(H)
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
EDUX 7170(H)
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2
EDUX 7280(H)
Essential Science for Teachers: Earth and Space Science
EDUX 7285(H)
Essential Science for Teachers: Life Science
EDUX 7290(H)
Essential Science for Teachers: Physical Science
EDUX 7295(H)
The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science
EDUX 7300(H)
Physics for the 21st Century
EDUX 7305(H)
Rediscovering Biology: Molecular to Global Perspectives
EDUX 7310(H)
The Brain: Teaching Modules
EDUX 7315(H)
Case Studies in Science Education
EDUX 7325(H)
Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections
EDUX 7330(H)
Principles for Principals
EDUX 7360(H)
Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions
EDUX 7364(H)
Earth Revealed
EDUX 7400(F ,G)
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
EDUX 7401(F ,G)
Magnificent Mind at any Age
EDUX 8000(H ,J)
Understanding The Brain and Behavior
Social Science
EDUX 7115(H)
Discovering Psychology
EDUX 7340(H)
The World of Abnormal Psychology
EDUX 7361(H)
A Biography of America
EDUX 7363(H)
Economics USA: 21st Century Edition
EDUX 8000(H ,J)
Understanding The Brain and Behavior
Social Studies and History
EDUX 7110(H)
Democracy in America
EDUX 7125(H)
Making Civics Real: A Workshop for Teachers
EDUX 7140(H)
Social Studies in Action: A Methodology Workshop, K-5
EDUX 7145(H)
Social Studies in Action: A Teaching Practices Library, K-12
EDUX 7361(H)
A Biography of America
EDUX 7362(H)
Art Through Time: A Global View
EDUX 7363(H)
Economics USA: 21st Century Edition
Special Education
EDUX 7310(H)
The Brain: Teaching Modules
EDUX 7340(H)
The World of Abnormal Psychology
EDUX 7401(F ,G)
Magnificent Mind at any Age
EDUX 7402(F ,G)
Healing ADD
EDUX 8000(H ,J)
Understanding The Brain and Behavior
Arts and Humanities
The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers
EDUX 7000. This course examines how seven "principles of artful teaching" influence the curricular and instructional choices that high school arts teachers make. Each program in the workshop includes examples of teaching in dance, music, theatre, and visual art. This professional development workshop is designed for high school dance, music, theatre, and visual art teachers. The workshop examines how principles of good teaching are carried out in teaching the arts at the high school level.
Course Requirements
The Arts in Every Classroom: A Video Library
EDUX 7005. This course explores different ways to introduce the arts into the classroom for K-5 classroom teachers and arts specialists. The programs in this course show classroom teachers and arts specialists using the arts in a variety of successful ways. The course also examines professional development resources for K-5 teachers seeking new ideas for integrating the arts into the classroom.
Course Requirements
The Arts in Every Classroom: A Workshop for Elementary School Teachers
EDUX 7010. Discover some new ideas about working with the arts in this video workshop for K-5 classroom and arts specialist teachers. This course provides new ideas about working with the arts for elementary and arts specialist teachers. The programs show workshop leaders from the Southeast Center for Education in the Arts working with Learner Teams - teachers, principals, and arts specialists - from three elementary schools. The Learner Teams work through a curriculum unit based on a multi-arts performance piece by Cirque du Soleil. Classroom segments show school children engaged in the same lessons. Learner Team members then begin to design their own arts-based units, and return to their schools to put into practice what they learned.
Course Requirements
Connecting With the Arts: A Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers
EDUX 7015. This course is a video workshop for middle school teachers of the arts and other subjects. Participants define what arts integration means, plan collaborations with colleagues, clarify student roles in the artistic process, work on designing instruction that helps students explore connecting concepts and big ideas, and examine assessments to determine what students are learning. The workshop shows middle school teachers why and how to integrate the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual art) with other subjects (language arts, social studies, science, and math).
Course Requirements
Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop
EDUX 7020. This course will help K-12 foreign language teachers improve their practice by making connections between the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning and current research in foreign language education. Become a student yourself as you watch the videos, complete a range of activities designed to stimulate your teaching, and prepare to conduct action research in your own classroom. Participants will come away with a deeper understanding of the national foreign language standards, and with ideas for implementing effective assessment strategies and working with learners across a range of language and skill levels.
Course Requirements
Connecting With the Arts: A Teaching Practices Library, 6-8
EDUX 7025. This course features a variety of meaningful arts integration approaches in middle school classrooms around the country. The programs provide windows into classrooms around the country where teachers have already incorporated arts integration strategies into their work. Programs feature extensive classroom sequences and teachers telling their own stories. Arts specialists and subject-area teachers will find ideas and projects they can take back to their own classrooms, as well as insights into planning and implementing an integrated curriculum.
Course Requirements
Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices
EDUX 7030. This course illustrates effective instruction and assessment strategies for teaching foreign languages. The language classrooms shown in this video library, created in conjunction with the American Councilon the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), include Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Latin, Russian, and Chinese. All classroom videos are subtitled in English and are appropriate for K–12 teachers of any foreign language. Teachers from schools across the country model interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication throughout a range of grade and competency levels. Concepts of culture, comparisons, connections to students’ lives, and the importance of community are also integrated into the lessons.
Course Requirements
Voices and Visions: American Poets
EDUX 7350. In this course, participants will explore the lives and works of 13 renowned American poets as they are interpreted through dramatic readings, archival photographs, dance, performances, and interviews. Illustrative poems in each program are accompanied by insights into their historical and cultural connections. The course covers the terminology of poetry and the larger role of poets in American and world literature studies. Participants will examine a number of prominent poets in depth, including Langston Hughes, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, and Elizabeth Bishop.
Course Requirements
Art Through Time: A Global View
EDUX 7362. This course illustrates themes connecting works of art created around the world indifferent eras. Students will explore diverse cultural perspectives on shared human experiences. The course encompasses hundreds of paintings,drawings, sculptures, photos, and works in non-traditional media in this vibrant approach to the study and appreciation of art. International artists,scholars and curators from major museums and specialized collections guide course participants through the millennia of human thought and expression while contemporary artists and their work bring the forms into the present day.
Course Requirements
Exploring the World of Music
EDUX 7365. This course introduces an understanding of the basic elements of music from a global perspective. Participants will explore how elements such as melody, rhythm, and texture create an infinite variety of sounds and serve as expressions of culture. Through rare archival footage and contemporary performances, the course presents themes such as music and the environment, music as cultural memory, and how technology changes music.
Course Requirements
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
EDUX 7400 Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
This course explores the connection between the brain and the body and presents ways to boost brain function to improve one’s physical and mental health. Students will learn how to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. During this course, students will examine scientifically-based, cutting-edge research that helps optimize every aspect of one's health and well-being.
Course Requirements
Magnificent Mind at any Age
EDUX 7401 Magnificent Mind at any Age
In this course, participants will discover natural ways to boost brain power, attack common brain illnesses like ADD, anxiety and depression, as well as increase one’s chances for long-term brain health. This course demonstrates how to develop increased memory and concentration, goal-oriented perseverance, and free-flowing creativity.
Course Requirements
Healing ADD
EDUX 7402 Healing ADD
In this course, participants will discover the biological basis of attention deficit disorder (ADD). This course identifies, assesses and categorizes 6 distinct types of ADD, each requiring different treatments and strategies including diet, exercise, medications, supplements, and behavioral interventions. Students will gain a new level of understanding to this often difficult-to-diagnose and frequently misunderstood disorder.
Course Requirements
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Reading & Writing in the Disciplines
EDUX 7355 H. This course provides educators with an overview of disciplinary literacy, essential concepts related to proficient reading and writing, and general instructional practices that support literacy development indicated by the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will examine videos with classroom examples specific to each discipline, research on what literacy means in the four disciplines, and case studies of professionals using literacy in their daily work. By examining general disciplinary literacy strategies and practices and then focusing more deeply on their own discipline, course participants will gain insight into how to support their students' literacy skills while meeting content goals.
Course Requirements
Educational Theory and Issues
The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice
EDUX 7160. This course is an exploration of learning theory that is appropriate for professional development of K-16 teachers in all subject areas. Hosted by Stanford University professor Linda Darling-Hammond, the 13 video-based programs illustrate a variety of learning theories with applications to classroom practice. The dynamic sessions include topics and issues such as learning theory, cognitive processing, multiple intelligences, culture and learning, social context, cognitive apprenticeship, metacognition, transfer, and motivation. Optional online resources supplement the course with background readings, questions for discussion, and ongoing assignments that bring theory into practice.
Course Requirements
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
EDUX 7165. This course examines why understanding how children learn best is an important step toward improving mathematics and science teaching. This video-enhanced series features seven leading educators — Eleanor Duckworth, Joseph Novak, Hubert Dyasi, Constance Kamii, Howard Gardner, Mitchel Resnick, and William Schmidt — who share their ideas on how children really learn. Explore how technology affects learning, learn to elicit and build on students' ideas, and develop strategies for inquiry-based teaching.
Course Requirements
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2
EDUX 7170. Through personal interviews, teacher discussions, and classroom video footage, this course encourages K-12 classroom educators and administrators to analyze existing theories about how children learn, as well as their own beliefs, and then examines how those beliefs might influence their teaching. Each workshop session features a different educator's learning theory and provides the opportunity to discuss, critique, and apply the ideas presented.
Course Requirements
Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections
EDUX 7325. This course for K-12 educators acquaints teachers with current neuroscience research that will transform the teaching in their classroom. Participants will explore exciting developments in the field of neuroscience that are leading to a new understanding of how the brain works. This course brings together researchers and educators in a dialog about how insights into brain function can be harnessed by teachers for use in their own classrooms to address their own particular challenges.
Course Requirements
Healing ADD
EDUX 7402 Healing ADD
In this course, participants will discover the biological basis of attention deficit disorder (ADD). This course identifies, assesses and categorizes 6 distinct types of ADD, each requiring different treatments and strategies including diet, exercise, medications, supplements, and behavioral interventions. Students will gain a new level of understanding to this often difficult-to-diagnose and frequently misunderstood disorder.
Course Requirements
Language, Literature & Literacy
Conversations in Literature
EDUX 7040. In this course, teachers, academics, and authors gather as a “community of readers,” immersing themselves in classic and contemporary literature from Hamlet to works by Langston Hughes, James Dickey, and Alice Walker. The course activities model the habits of effective readers in an approach known as “envisionment building.” The readers develop interpretations by stepping into and moving through the text using their own unique perspectives. Participants will return to the classroom with inspiration to guide their students toward engaging with literature in the same way.
Course Requirements
Developing Writers: A Workshop for High School Teachers
EDUX 7045. This course presents practical and philosophical advice for teaching writing, while examining issues every teacher faces such as high-stakes assessments and dealing with differently-abled students. Each session features teachers in diverse classrooms around the country who are helping their students grow as skilled and effective writers. Participants will observe how the teachers and their students work together to create writing communities. Professional writers will share their processes as they move from initial concepts to publication, and comments from researchers, theorists, students, and teachers add context. The course will provide activities and additional information to help participants develop effective instructional strategies to bring back to the classroom.
Course Requirements
Engaging With Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 3-5
EDUX 7050. This course shows grade 3-5 teachers how to help students become effective and engaged readers of literature as part of the Envisioning Literature series based on the research of Dr. Judith Langer. The course centers on the belief that students have the innate skill to make sense of information they discover in a text — if they are presented with the opportunity and expectation of doing so, and are generously scaffolded by their teachers as their story worlds evolve through reading, writing, and talking about literature. Individual sessions deal with initiating and maintaining such a classroom community while dealing with numerous pragmatic issues, including high-stakes assessments and meeting the needs of students of many ability levels.
Course Requirements
The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature in High School
EDUX 7055. This course for high school teachers is an exploration of the richness of multicultural literature shown through four pedagogical approaches to teaching it: reader response, inquiry, cultural studies, and critical pedagogy. The courses feature classroom footage illustrating these approaches, augmented by background information on featured authors and analysis of their works by leading scholars, educators, and the authors themselves. Participants will consider websites that include resources about literature and teaching strategies.
Course Requirements
In Search of the Novel
EDUX 7060. Discover creative strategies for bringing novels to life for middle and high school students with this course workshop, featuring the words and works of 10 novelists, including Charles Dickens, Mary Shelley, J. K. Rowling, and Toni Morrison. Within the framework of real classroom practice, the course offers interviews with contemporary authors, literary critics, teachers, and students, as well as film clips from adaptations of the novels featured. This course poses basic questions that can help participants examine the genre from multiple perspectives and bring it to life for their students.
Course Requirements
Inside Writing Communities, Grades 3-5
EDUX 7065. This video workshop course for elementary school teachers uses classroom footage to demonstrate how a writing workshop approach motivates intermediate students and helps them become proficient and independent writers. Ten teachers from across the country model teaching strategies and share reflections on their practice. Six nationally known experts in writing instruction comment on teaching and using the writing workshop approach with upper elementary students.
Course Requirements
Making Meaning in Literature: A Workshop for Teachers, Grades 6-8
EDUX 7070. This course workshop offers teachers practical ways to help their students form rich and informed interactions with literature. Eight teachers from around the country talk about the ways in which they encourage students to become active and effective readers, building strong mental muscles as they place themselves in the world of a text, form impressions of the work, and pose questions that help push their understandings further. The on-screen teachers illustrate their ideas by bringing the viewer into their classrooms as they and their students work together to “make meaning.” The programs are augmented by commentary from noted educational researcher Dr. Judith Langer, who identified these habits of effective readers called “envisionments,” or ever-expanding landscapes of understanding that are formed as students read, write, and talk about texts.
Course Requirements
Teaching Multicultural Literature: A Workshop for the Middle Grades
EDUX 7075. This course for middle school teachers introduces them to ethnically diverse American writers and offers dynamic instructional strategies and resources to make works meaningful for students. This course workshop includes a series of videos in which teachers model effective approaches - based on reader response, critical inquiry, cultural studies, and critical pedagogy - for using multicultural works in the classroom. In units that unfold over time, the sessions demonstrate activities and practices that engage students in critical discussions of race, class, and social justice, and empower them to take action for change. Various teachers and leading educators provide reflection and commentary throughout the programs. Authors share information on their works and about their lives through interviews and classroom visits.
Course Requirements
Teaching Reading K-2 Workshop
EDUX 7080. This course workshop addresses critical topics in teaching reading for K-2 teachers. Boston University professor of education Jeanne Paratore moderates the sessions with practicing K-2 teachers, reviewing current research on reading instruction and drawing out how it can inform classroom practice. In this course workshop, participating teachers can compare their experiences with the onscreen teachers and review the video clips of real reading classes as they discuss the challenges of developing the literacy skills of their diverse students. Using the programs, K-2 teachers and reading specialists will gain confidence to adopt new strategies and refine their current practices to meet the needs of all their students.
Course Requirements
Teaching Reading 3-5 Workshop
EDUX 7085. This course with auxiliary classroom videos will show intermediate elementary teachers how to help their students transition from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." The course workshop features leading experts who discuss current research on learning to read and teaching a diverse range of students. The research is illustrated by clips from real classroom lessons, allowing teachers to better understand and apply the research in their own classes. The entire classroom lessons are included in the programs for further exploration of each topic.
Course Requirements
Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices
EDUX 7090. This course features the teaching practices of a diverse cross-section of kindergarten through second grade teachers from across the country who use research-based methodologies to teach their students to read. The teachers introduce their students to reading through a variety of proven approaches. The course includes classroom videos demonstrating teachers and students who are engaged in effective reading practices as well as longitudinal evidence that exhibits individual students developing reading skills over time.
Course Requirements
Write in the Middle: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers
EDUX 7095. This professional development course is designed to help teachers learn effective practices and strategies to use with middle school students in writing instruction. Participants will learn ways to create a positive and productive writing environment for young adolescents through observing classrooms with excellent teachers modeling successful strategies and through numerous interviews with teachers, students, and nationally recognized experts about the writing process.
Course Requirements
American Passages: A Literary Survey
EDUX 7155. This course workshop is a 16-part American literature course for teacher professional development (grades 4 – college). The video programs and optional online resources place literary movements and authors within the context of history and culture. The course takes an expanded view of American literary movements, bringing in a diversity of voices and tracing the continuity among them. The course materials are coordinated with the Norton Anthology of American Literature.
Course Requirements
Voices and Visions: American Poets
EDUX 7350. In this course, participants will explore the lives and works of 13 renowned American poets as they are interpreted through dramatic readings, archival photographs, dance, performances, and interviews. Illustrative poems in each program are accompanied by insights into their historical and cultural connections. The course covers the terminology of poetry and the larger role of poets in American and world literature studies. Participants will examine a number of prominent poets in depth, including Langston Hughes, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, and Elizabeth Bishop.
Course Requirements
Reading & Writing in the Disciplines
EDUX 7355 H. This course provides educators with an overview of disciplinary literacy, essential concepts related to proficient reading and writing, and general instructional practices that support literacy development indicated by the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will examine videos with classroom examples specific to each discipline, research on what literacy means in the four disciplines, and case studies of professionals using literacy in their daily work. By examining general disciplinary literacy strategies and practices and then focusing more deeply on their own discipline, course participants will gain insight into how to support their students' literacy skills while meeting content goals.
Course Requirements
Invitation to World Literature
EDUX 7366. This course invites participants to appreciate and read ancient and modern great epics, plays, poetry, and other literary texts that have made their way around the world through time and translation. The literary works are introduces on video by a wide-ranging cast including scholars, translators, artists, and writers. The course includes excerpts from the texts, background material, reading support, an interactive timeline, and resources for teaching and further study.
Course Requirements
Leadership and Administration
Principles for Principals
EDUX 7330. This course focuses on specific issues faced by K-12 administrators working to improve achievement in math and science. Designed by and for principals working to improve student achievement in mathematics and science, this course addresses the specific issues faced by administrators. This course will help principals understand and use recent research on math and science education practices. Course content describes the impact of state and national standards, discusses varied approaches to teaching and learning math and science, shows new curricula in use, and compares effective models of professional development for teachers and principals.
Course Requirements
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
EDUX 7165. This course examines why understanding how children learn best is an important step toward improving mathematics and science teaching. This video-enhanced series features seven leading educators — Eleanor Duckworth, Joseph Novak, Hubert Dyasi, Constance Kamii, Howard Gardner, Mitchel Resnick, and William Schmidt — who share their ideas on how children really learn. Explore how technology affects learning, learn to elicit and build on students' ideas, and develop strategies for inquiry-based teaching.
Course Requirements
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2
EDUX 7170. Through personal interviews, teacher discussions, and classroom video footage, this course encourages K-12 classroom educators and administrators to analyze existing theories about how children learn, as well as their own beliefs, and then examines how those beliefs might influence their teaching. Each workshop session features a different educator's learning theory and provides the opportunity to discuss, critique, and apply the ideas presented.
Course Requirements
Insights into Algebra 1: Teaching for Learning
EDUX 7175. This course for middle and high school teachers presents strategies for improving how typical Algebra 1 topics are taught. Participants will explore strategies to improve the way they teach 16 different topics found in most Algebra programs. In each session, participants will consider and examine effective strategies for teaching mathematical topics. Optional online resources engage participants in activities designed to help them examine their teaching practice, incorporate what they are learning into their practice, and reflect on their ongoing development.
Course Requirements
Learning Math: Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
EDUX 7180. This course is one of five Learning Math workshops for elementary and middle school teachers (K-8). These courses, organized around the content standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), will help participants better understand the mathematics concepts underlying the content that they teach. This course introduces statistics as a problem-solving process. In this course, learners can build their skills through investigations of different ways to collect and represent data, and describe and analyze variation in data. Through practical examples, participants will come to understand some statistical concepts, such as data representation, variation, the mean and median, bivariate data, probability, designing statistical experiments, and population estimations. The concluding case studies, divided into grade bands for K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 teachers, show participants how to apply what they have learned during the course in their own classroom.
Course Requirements
Learning Math: Geometry
EDUX 7185. This course is one of five Learning Math workshops for elementary and middle school teachers (K-8). It introduces geometric reasoning as a method for problem-solving. In this course, which is organized around the content standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), participants will explore the properties of geometric figures and make constructions using pencil, paper, and dynamic software. Learners also will practice using mathematical language to express ideas and justify their reasoning. Some important geometric ideas, such as symmetry, similarity, and trigonometry, will also be examined. Participants will begin to explore the basis of formal mathematical proofs and solid geometry. The course workshop progresses from more visual, intuitive ways of solving problems to more formal explorations of geometric ideas, properties, and proofs.
Course Requirements
Learning Math: Measurement
EDUX 7190. This course is one of five Learning Math workshops for elementary and middle school teachers (K-8) organized around the content standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). It examines some of the major ideas in measurement. Participants will explore procedures for measuring and learn about standard units in the metric and customary systems, the relationships among units, and the approximate nature of measurement. Learners will also examine how measurement can illuminate mathematical concepts such as irrational numbers, properties of circles, and area and volume formulas, and discover how other mathematical concepts can inform measurement tasks such as indirect measurement. The course consists of ten sessions, the last of which participants choose their specific grade level to explore ways to apply the concepts of measurement they have learned during the course in their own classroom.
Course Requirements
Learning Math: Number and Operations
EDUX 7195. This course is one of five Learning Math workshops for elementary and middle school teachers (K-8) organized around the content standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). The course examines the three main categories in the subject-area content strand of Principles and Standards of School Mathematics: understanding numbers, representations, relationships, and number systems; the meanings of operations and relationships among those operations; and reasonable estimation and fluent computation. The course covers the real number system, place value, the behavior of zero and infinity, meanings and models of basic operations, percentages, and modeling operations with fractions, often with the aid of concrete, physical models that enhance understanding. It also examines Basic Number Theory topics, such as factors and multiples, as well as divisibility tests, at both practical and abstract levels. The course consists of ten sessions, the last of which participants choose their specific grade level to explore ways to apply the concepts of number and operations they have learned during the course in their own classroom.
Course Requirements
Learning Math: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
EDUX 7200. This course is one of five Learning Math workshops for elementary and middle school teachers (K-8) organized around the content standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). The workshop seeks to help participants better understand the mathematics concepts underlying the content they teach. Patterns, Functions, and Algebra explores the “big ideas” in algebraic thinking, such as finding, describing, and using patterns; using functions to make predictions; understanding linearity and proportional reasoning; understanding non-linear functions; and understanding and exploring algebraic structure. The concluding case studies show participants how to apply what they have learned during the course in their own classroom.
Course Requirements
Against All Odds: Inside Statistics
EDUX 7225. This course for high school and college teachers explores the relevance of statistics in real-world settings. With an emphasis on “doing” statistics, this video-based series goes on location to help uncover statistical solutions to the puzzles of everyday life. This workshop covers 26 sessions, including such topics as time series, correlation, various distribution, multidimensional data analysis, causation, experimental design, probability, intervals, inference and significance tests. Participants will learn how data collection and manipulation — paired with intelligent judgment and common sense — can lead to more informed decision-making.
Course Requirements
Principles for Principals
EDUX 7330. This course focuses on specific issues faced by K-12 administrators working to improve achievement in math and science. Designed by and for principals working to improve student achievement in mathematics and science, this course addresses the specific issues faced by administrators. This course will help principals understand and use recent research on math and science education practices. Course content describes the impact of state and national standards, discusses varied approaches to teaching and learning math and science, shows new curricula in use, and compares effective models of professional development for teachers and principals.
Course Requirements
Science / Health
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
EDUX 7165. This course examines why understanding how children learn best is an important step toward improving mathematics and science teaching. This video-enhanced series features seven leading educators — Eleanor Duckworth, Joseph Novak, Hubert Dyasi, Constance Kamii, Howard Gardner, Mitchel Resnick, and William Schmidt — who share their ideas on how children really learn. Explore how technology affects learning, learn to elicit and build on students' ideas, and develop strategies for inquiry-based teaching.
Course Requirements
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2
EDUX 7170. Through personal interviews, teacher discussions, and classroom video footage, this course encourages K-12 classroom educators and administrators to analyze existing theories about how children learn, as well as their own beliefs, and then examines how those beliefs might influence their teaching. Each workshop session features a different educator's learning theory and provides the opportunity to discuss, critique, and apply the ideas presented.
Course Requirements
Essential Science for Teachers: Earth and Space Science
EDUX 7280. This course, part of the Essential Science for Teachers series, is designed to help K–6 teachers gain an understanding of some of the bedrock science concepts they need to teach today’s standards-based curricula. This course, Earth and Space Science, consists of topics such as the earth’s structure, formation, soils, rocks, theory of plate tectonics, erosion, fossils, and the solar system. Each program features an elementary school teacher and his or her students exploring the topic using exemplary science curricula. Real-world examples, demonstrations, animations, still graphics, and interviews with scientists compose content segments that are intertwined with in-depth interviews with children that uncover their ideas about the topic at hand. In response to the course topic, participants will consider their own research, evaluation, detailed reflection, and classroom application.
Course Requirements
Essential Science for Teachers: Life Science
EDUX 7285. This course, part of the Essential Science for Teachers series, is designed to help K–6 teachers gain an understanding of some of the bedrock science concepts they need to teach today’s standards-based curricula. This course, Life Science, consists of topics such as the systematic approach to biological classification, animal and plant life cycles, variation, adaptation, theory of evolution, process of energy flow, and material cycles in ecosystems. Each program features an elementary school teacher and his or her students exploring the topic using exemplary science curricula. Real-world examples, demonstrations, animations, still graphics, and interviews with scientists compose content segments that are intertwined with in-depth interviews with children that uncover their ideas about the topic at hand. In response to the course topic, participants will consider their own research, evaluation, detailed reflection, and classroom application.
Course Requirements
Essential Science for Teachers: Physical Science
EDUX 7290. This course, part of the Essential Science for Teachers series, is designed to help K–6 teachers gain an understanding of some of the bedrock science concepts they need to teach today’s standards-based curricula. This course, Physical Science, consists of topics such as the properties and classifications of matter, the “particle model”, physical and chemical changes, the “law of conservation of matter”, density, pressure, balance of forces, heat and temperature. Each program features an elementary school teacher and his or her students exploring the topic using exemplary science curricula. Real-world examples, demonstrations, animations, still graphics, and interviews with scientists compose content segments that are intertwined with in-depth interviews with children that uncover their ideas about the topic at hand. In response to the course topic, participants will consider their own research, evaluation, detailed reflection, and classroom application.
Course Requirements
The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science
EDUX 7295. This course for high school and college science teachers begins with an overview of the Earth's systems (geophysical, atmospheric, oceanic, and ecosystems) as they exist independently of human influence. The course also explores the effect that human activities have on the different natural systems. Topics include human population growth and resource use, increasing competition for fresh water, and climate change. Each of the course sessions features two case studies following top scientists in the field. This course will help teachers of biology, chemistry, and Earth science provide more subject-matter content in their classes. The course and optional online resources include streamed video programs, an online course text, five interactive simulations, background on the scientists who created the content and those whose research is documented, and a professional development guide.
Course Requirements
Physics for the 21st Century
EDUX 7300. This course for high school physics teachers explores the frontiers of physics research with the scientists on the front lines. Dark matter, string theory, particle accelerators, and other big topics in modern physics come together in this multimedia course. The course covers a broad scale, from sub-atomic particle physics, through atomic and molecular physics, to cosmology. The course sessions feature 22 case studies of researchers from leading research labs and universities who are breaking new ground in their fields. The course and optional online resources include an extensive companion website that provides background information and concepts found in a printable online textbook, interactive simulations, a course guide, and multiple other resources.
Course Requirements
Rediscovering Biology: Molecular to Global Perspectives
EDUX 7305. This course examines the great advances that have been made in the field of biology in recent decades that will continue to have a major impact on our lives. The course reviews and explains these developments to help teachers of high school biology update their content knowledge and understanding. The course and optional online multimedia materials—video, online textbook, interactive website activities, case studies, detailed glossary, and course guide—will help new and veteran biology teachers become familiar with current research methods and tools that will lead to new discoveries in the coming decades. Video clips feature interviews with expert scientists involved in groundbreaking research, such as Eric Lander of the MIT Genomics Center and Rita Colwell, director of the National Science Foundation. Detailed animations provide a micro-level view of biological processes and techniques such as mass spectrometry and microarray analysis.
Course Requirements
The Brain: Teaching Modules
EDUX 7310. In this course, participants explore flexible teaching resources that offer extensive footage and research into the inner workings of the brain, including findings on Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, autism, Parkinson's disease, and many other topics. This course will be beneficial for professionals working in the fields of teaching, psychology, abnormal and physiological psychology, neuropsychology, and occupational therapy.
Course Requirements
Case Studies in Science Education
EDUX 7315. In this course, participants will examine case studies of K-8 science teachers who are working to improve their teaching. These case studies take science education reform to a personal level, where individuals struggle to make changes that matter. Each case follows a single teacher over the course of a year and is divided into three modules: the teacher's background and the problem he or she chooses to address, the chosen approach and implementation, and the outcome with assessment by the teacher and his or her advisor.
Course Requirements
Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections
EDUX 7325. This course for K-12 educators acquaints teachers with current neuroscience research that will transform the teaching in their classroom. Participants will explore exciting developments in the field of neuroscience that are leading to a new understanding of how the brain works. This course brings together researchers and educators in a dialog about how insights into brain function can be harnessed by teachers for use in their own classrooms to address their own particular challenges.
Course Requirements
Principles for Principals
EDUX 7330. This course focuses on specific issues faced by K-12 administrators working to improve achievement in math and science. Designed by and for principals working to improve student achievement in mathematics and science, this course addresses the specific issues faced by administrators. This course will help principals understand and use recent research on math and science education practices. Course content describes the impact of state and national standards, discusses varied approaches to teaching and learning math and science, shows new curricula in use, and compares effective models of professional development for teachers and principals.
Course Requirements
Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions
EDUX 7360. This video-based instructional series with accompanying web site teaches concepts of general chemistry by presenting real challenges in energy production, materials development, biochemistry, and environmental protection. The course zeroes in on core topics taught in introductory chemistry, providing a strong foundation for learners to pursue further study in science, med-tech fields, or a liberal education. Students will examine lab demonstrations of key laws and processes, interviews with research scientists and industrial chemists, and explanatory animations.
Course Requirements
Earth Revealed
EDUX 7364. This course for high school and college teachers shows the physical processes and human activities that shape our planet. From earthquakes and volcanoes to the creation of sea-floor crusts and shifting river courses, this course offers stunning visuals that explain plate tectonics and other geologic concepts and principles. Course participants will follow geologists in the field as they explore the primal forces of the Earth.
Course Requirements
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
EDUX 7400 Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
This course explores the connection between the brain and the body and presents ways to boost brain function to improve one’s physical and mental health. Students will learn how to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. During this course, students will examine scientifically-based, cutting-edge research that helps optimize every aspect of one's health and well-being.
Course Requirements
Magnificent Mind at any Age
EDUX 7401 Magnificent Mind at any Age
In this course, participants will discover natural ways to boost brain power, attack common brain illnesses like ADD, anxiety and depression, as well as increase one’s chances for long-term brain health. This course demonstrates how to develop increased memory and concentration, goal-oriented perseverance, and free-flowing creativity.
Course Requirements
Understanding The Brain and Behavior
EDUX 8000. This course explores information on brain function and practical neuroscience as it relates to cognition, emotions and behavior. Students will examine current scientific understandings of the brain and its functions related to learning, relationships and life. Students will learn how to take a brain system history and apply it to clinical and educational practice. The course also will introduce students to the various tools (from psychotherapy, physical and mental exercises, medication and supplements) to optimize brain function.
Course Requirements
Social Science
Discovering Psychology
EDUX 7115. This course for all K-16 teachers and instructors of psychology at all levels highlights major new developments in the field of psychology and offers an overview of historic and current theories of human behavior. Stanford University professor and author Philip Zimbardo narrates this video workshop as leading researchers, practitioners, and theorists probe the mysteries of the mind and body. Based on extensive investigation and authoritative scholarship, this general overview course in psychology features demonstrations, classic experiments and simulations, current research, documentary footage, and computer animation.
Course Requirements
The World of Abnormal Psychology
EDUX 7340. In this course, participants will examine psychological disorders and their impact on behavior. Students will see how people with diagnosed psychological disorders actually behave. Case studies, enriched with commentary from experts, help demystify the biological, psychological, and environmental causes of dysfunctional behavior. The course explores current theory and practice in the treatment of the mentally ill, covering the multiple approaches that prevail in the field today.
Course Requirements
A Biography of America
EDUX 7361. This video-based instructional series with accompanying web site teaches history as a living narrative. Prominent historians present America’s story as something that is best understood from a variety of perspectives. Thought-provoking debates and lectures encourage critical analysis of the forces that have shaped America. Students will examine first-person narratives, photos, film footage,and documents that reveal the human side of American history.
Course Requirements
Economics USA: 21st Century Edition
EDUX 7363. This course in economics for high school and college teachers explores economic history,theory, and practice through case studies and interviews with Nobel-prizewinning and major economists. Major economic events connect economic theory to the headlines. This course introduces micro- and macroeconomics using news-style case studies paired with analysis segments that tie the stories to fundamental economic principles.
Course Requirements
Understanding The Brain and Behavior
EDUX 8000. This course explores information on brain function and practical neuroscience as it relates to cognition, emotions and behavior. Students will examine current scientific understandings of the brain and its functions related to learning, relationships and life. Students will learn how to take a brain system history and apply it to clinical and educational practice. The course also will introduce students to the various tools (from psychotherapy, physical and mental exercises, medication and supplements) to optimize brain function.
Course Requirements
Social Studies and History
Democracy in America
EDUX 7110. This course in civics for high school and college teachers covers topics of civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions recommended by The Civics Framework for the National Assessment of Educational Progress developed by the U.S. Department of Education. This comprehensive course workshop, hosted by national television correspondent Renée Poussaint, provides teachers with both cognitive and experiential learning in civics education.
Course Requirements
Making Civics Real: A Workshop for Teachers
EDUX 7125. This video course workshop for the professional development of high school teachers illustrates a constructivist approach to the teaching of civics with each session dedicated to one teacher’s multi-part lesson. Developed in collaboration with the National Council for the Social Studies and the Center for Civic Education, the course program and optional online resources provide the methodology for the effective teaching of civics, and include complete lesson plans of the sessions presented throughout the course.
Course Requirements
Social Studies in Action: A Methodology Workshop, K-5
EDUX 7140. This course for K-5 teachers provides a methodology framework for teaching social studies, with a focus on creating effective citizens. The video workshop sessions feature K-5 teachers exploring social studies themes, theories of learning, teaching strategies, and ways to connect social studies to the world beyond the classroom. Led by social studies educator Mary A. McFarland, the onscreen participants reflect on fundamental issues in teaching and learning social studies through discussions, debates, and activities that can be adapted to a K-5 curriculum.
Course Requirements
Social Studies in Action: A Teaching Practices Library, K-12
EDUX 7145. This course for K-12 teachers illustrates a variety of effective social studies lessons and techniques for use with students at all levels. The course and optional online resources bring to life the National Council for the Social Studies standards. Blending content and methodology, the course workshop documents 24 teachers and their students in K-12 classrooms across the country actively exploring the social studies. Lively, provocative, and educationally sound, the course lessons are designed to inspire thoughtful conversations and reflections on teaching practices in the social studies.
Course Requirements
A Biography of America
EDUX 7361. This video-based instructional series with accompanying web site teaches history as a living narrative. Prominent historians present America’s story as something that is best understood from a variety of perspectives. Thought-provoking debates and lectures encourage critical analysis of the forces that have shaped America. Students will examine first-person narratives, photos, film footage,and documents that reveal the human side of American history.
Course Requirements
Art Through Time: A Global View
EDUX 7362. This course illustrates themes connecting works of art created around the world indifferent eras. Students will explore diverse cultural perspectives on shared human experiences. The course encompasses hundreds of paintings,drawings, sculptures, photos, and works in non-traditional media in this vibrant approach to the study and appreciation of art. International artists,scholars and curators from major museums and specialized collections guide course participants through the millennia of human thought and expression while contemporary artists and their work bring the forms into the present day.
Course Requirements
Economics USA: 21st Century Edition
EDUX 7363. This course in economics for high school and college teachers explores economic history,theory, and practice through case studies and interviews with Nobel-prizewinning and major economists. Major economic events connect economic theory to the headlines. This course introduces micro- and macroeconomics using news-style case studies paired with analysis segments that tie the stories to fundamental economic principles.
Course Requirements
Special Education
The Brain: Teaching Modules
EDUX 7310. In this course, participants explore flexible teaching resources that offer extensive footage and research into the inner workings of the brain, including findings on Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, autism, Parkinson's disease, and many other topics. This course will be beneficial for professionals working in the fields of teaching, psychology, abnormal and physiological psychology, neuropsychology, and occupational therapy.
Course Requirements
The World of Abnormal Psychology
EDUX 7340. In this course, participants will examine psychological disorders and their impact on behavior. Students will see how people with diagnosed psychological disorders actually behave. Case studies, enriched with commentary from experts, help demystify the biological, psychological, and environmental causes of dysfunctional behavior. The course explores current theory and practice in the treatment of the mentally ill, covering the multiple approaches that prevail in the field today.
Course Requirements
Magnificent Mind at any Age
EDUX 7401 Magnificent Mind at any Age
In this course, participants will discover natural ways to boost brain power, attack common brain illnesses like ADD, anxiety and depression, as well as increase one’s chances for long-term brain health. This course demonstrates how to develop increased memory and concentration, goal-oriented perseverance, and free-flowing creativity.
Course Requirements
Healing ADD
EDUX 7402 Healing ADD
In this course, participants will discover the biological basis of attention deficit disorder (ADD). This course identifies, assesses and categorizes 6 distinct types of ADD, each requiring different treatments and strategies including diet, exercise, medications, supplements, and behavioral interventions. Students will gain a new level of understanding to this often difficult-to-diagnose and frequently misunderstood disorder.
Course Requirements
Understanding The Brain and Behavior
EDUX 8000. This course explores information on brain function and practical neuroscience as it relates to cognition, emotions and behavior. Students will examine current scientific understandings of the brain and its functions related to learning, relationships and life. Students will learn how to take a brain system history and apply it to clinical and educational practice. The course also will introduce students to the various tools (from psychotherapy, physical and mental exercises, medication and supplements) to optimize brain function.
Course Requirements