EDUX 5350 (A, B, C, D). This course is designed for the sensitive educator wanting to gain understanding of the ever-changing cultural diversity of the students in today's schools. Participants will explore the ethnic and cultural groups in the community environments in which their pupils live. The fusion of cross-cultural customs and values will be presented. Study tours to culturally enriching sites will be taken to give in-depth understanding of the varied language ability, cultural heritage and historical backgrounds of our students. A broad range of cultural likenesses and differences will be covered. Multicultural education and understanding is an essential element and critical to the success of the schools and our society.
• Explore cultural diversity and the implications on classroom curriculum
• Develop an appreciation and understanding of the major ethnic groups that impact American culture
• Gain insight into the social and cultural values that define specific communities
• Experience first-hand the social and economic conditions in which individual cultural groups live
• Increase awareness of the cultural beliefs, customs, ceremonies, traditions and social practices of various cultural groups
• Examine how specific cultures have and will contribute to the fabric of our country
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