Course Description
EDUX 6255 (1-3 Units available). In this 2nd Edition course, participants will learn about the thinking and learning skills that today’s students should be cultivating in order to become successful adults in the dynamic, rapidly changing, and “flattened” world into which they will graduate. Participants will be introduced to the idea of “habits of mind,” survey 16 distinct ways of seeing, understanding, and interacting with the world, and learn instructional strategies to help their students develop each of these thinking and learning “habits.” In Modules 3-6, participants also will be provided activity suggestions and materials that can be downloaded and used in the elementary or secondary classroom.
Course Objectives
Course Requirements
This course is available for 1, 2, or 3 units. Please see Course Level pull-down menu to the right to choose the number of credits selected for this course (F = 1 unit, G = 2 units, and H = 3 units).
*The enrollment fee for Online Interactive (ASCD) courses now is all inclusive. It includes both the CCC tuition fee and access to the ASCD course material on the new Wisby platform. Students must enroll and complete coursework with both ASCD (PD certificate) and CCC (credits through Vanguard University).
Note: Online Interactive (ASCD) courses are now available! CCC will schedule a course seat for you with ASCD shortly after you enroll in a course, and then you will receive a welcome email directly from ASCD.
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Log In to see Course Assignment Templates.
*For Online
Interactive (ASCD) courses, you need to register with and pay fees to both CCC and
ASCD. The $69 per unit CCC enrollment fee does not include the $99 ASCD per course